First of all you’ve got this and you are more than capable of doing this job! Here are a few tips and things to remember!
1. The relationships that you build with your students far outweigh anything else. Truly take the time to get to know your students. Actually talk to them and watch how they light up. Check in with them when you notice they seem off. Maybe they will want to talk maybe they won’t, but at least they know you care! Greet them when they come into your room and tell them goodbye when they leave you. When they know you care you’re headed in the right direction!
2. Be willing to ask for help and learn from your colleagues. Find a community of like-minded people in the profession to support you. It’s okay that you don’t have everything figured out.
3.Be a problem solver and don’t get stuck on all of the things that are going wrong. Things are going to feel overwhelming and yes things will go wrong, but work on finding a solution rather than spiraling down the negative hole.
4.Create systems that work for you and be consistent with them. Once you find a rhythm for planning, copies, emails, communication with parents, grading, and so on you’ll feel less overwhelmed. And keep in mind what works for one person might not work for you- again that is okay!!
5. Slow down and enjoy what you do. Don’t worry so much about having a perfectly curated classroom, the perfect units, a perfect teaching style, you’ll get there! For now just be present for your students, work hard, and stay positive!